Online Theatre Academy
All the Courses
Consultation with Jurij Alschitz
For directors, dramaturges, actors, theatre teachers, playwrights or scientists
Quantum Training for Theatre
Qualification programme for acting teachers, theatre pedagogues and educators.
22 online lessons | 3 hours each | weekly, including 4 training sessions
45 Questions for the Role
For actors, directors and teachers
18 meetings | 3 hours each
School of Directing
For directors and teachers – actors are welcome
3 modules of 6 sessions| 3 hours each
My System of Stanislavski
For actors, directors and teachers
9 meetings | 3 hours each, once a month ||
The Art of Text | Role | Play Analysis
For actors, directors and teachers
3 meetings | 2 hours each
The Basis of Holistic Theatre – Theory – Methodology – Training
For actors, directors and teachers
3 courses of 2 days each | 2 hours each
Theatre as Time Machine
For actors, directors and teachers
2 meetings | 3 hours each
Who does the text trust
For actors, directors and teachers
6 meetings | 2 hours each
The emptiness of the role, the stage, the actor
For actors, directors and teachers
5 meetings | 2 hours each
The Actor’s ID
Actors creating their digital calling cards
Modular programme of 9 meetings | 3 hours each || Course fee: 320 €
director is improvising: case study
Masterclass on practical application of improvisation in the process of performance-making
3 days | 3 hours each
Improvisation beyond acting
Seminar about contemporary understanding and use of improvisation
1 meetings | 2 hours
My System of Stanislavski
For actors, directors and teachers
9 meetings | 3 hours each, once a month ||
Quantum Training for Theatre
Qualification programme for acting teachers, theatre pedagogues and educators.
22 online lessons | 3 hours each | weekly, including 4 training sessions
The Hyperlink Method – a Way to the Myth
For actors and directors
5 days | 2 hours each
This is my Way
For artists before and at the beginning of their career
4 meetings | 2 hours each
Solo – the devised monologue
For actors and performers
3 x 1 session | 3 hours each + 3 x 1 h indiv. coaching
Quantum Training for Theatre
Qualification programme for acting teachers, theatre pedagogues and educators.
22 online lessons | 3 hours each | weekly, including 4 training sessions
The Actor’s ID
Actors creating their digital calling cards
Modular programme of 9 meetings | 3 hours each
Ritual Performance: Dionysus and the Bacchae
For actors, directors, teachers
4 days | 3 hours each || course fee 90 €
Ritual Performance – Cosmogonies
For actors, performers directors, teachers
6 days | 2 hours each || course fee 90 €
The Devised Spectrum
For actors, directors, teachers
6 days | 2 hours each || course fee 90 €