Online Theatre Academy
International Courses for Directors
Explore the mastery of professional directing
Whether emerging or experienced, all directors face the expectation of being the master brain of the production. Rightly so. Whether I prefer to work alone, with a leading team or with an ensemble of actors as a collective, directing requires a comprehensive knowledge of working with actors, the ability to analyse texts, a trained eye for composition in all aspects of a production, and much more. In addition to these craft requirements, directing is about the visionary view, about getting in touch with one’s own innovative approach to old and new material and its realisation.
The courses of the Directing Department meet this challenge on two levels that are mutually dependent. Craft, know-how and experimentation with innovative methods. Discover the potential of Quantum Training, enter the cosmos of a holistic concept of theatre, and learn about how the applied use of resonance and wave theory can change the way your actors play and give your production a completely new expression. To name just a few topics.

Knowledge is constantly in motion, evolving, interacting with other ideas, adding, multiplying, changing and even destroying itself. This is the essence of one of the principles of the quantum technology of liquid knowledge.
Jurij Alschitz

Upcoming Courses
All courses are aimed at an international audience and are therefore taught in simple English.
All courses are recorded and can be viewed by the participants. A missed date can therefore be made up.
The indispensable know-how for Directors, Teachers and Actors
Teacher: Dr Jurij Alschitz
1/2 March + 8/9 March + 15/16 March + 22/23 March 2025
Course fee 480 €
Jurij Alschitz now also offers individual counselling and training for directors
Get practical experience, meet offline in Italy, Montecreto for the
Directing course with Dr Jurij Alschitz
19 July – 3 August 2025
Course fee 800 €
as early bird only 700 € if you register until 1 April
as early early bird only 650 € if you register until 1 February 2025!
Courses not yet scheduled
We kindly invite you to give us feedback about your interest. This will help us to plan the next courses. Your voice counts!
contact form
Qualification programmes for directors
Teacher: Dr Jurij Alschitz
For emerging and experienced directors, teachers and actors
Teacher: Dr Jurij Alschitz
Trainers: Dr Olga Lapina, Christine Schmalor
22 online lessons | 3 hours each | weekly
including 4 training sessions
Teacher: Dr Jurij Alschitz + guests
18 online lessons | 3 hours each | weekly
full programme | single meeting
Courses for directors
Holistic Theatre and Quantum Pedagogy
Teacher: Dr Jurij Alschitz
For directors, teachers, actors and all interested theatre professionals
3 day | 3 hours each
Dr Jurij Alschitz in dialogue with Dr Olga Lapina
One-year course with 9 meetings once a month,
3 hours each
Teacher: Dr Olga Lapina
Masterclass for directors
3 day | 3 hours each
Teacher: Dr Jurij Alschitz
3 x 2 days | 2 hours each
Teacher: Dr Jurij Alschitz
3 courses of 3 days each | 3 hours each