Christine Schmalor
The devised Monologue

It is with great pleasure that I have been able to see many interesting projects that started in the SOLO course or had just begun to be realised on stage. Artists from all continents have exchanged their stories here and inspired each other… That’s why I like to offer this course every now and then.

Workshop and individual coaching
The SOLO course supports artists who are creating a monologue, a monodrama, a solo performance or their own devised theatre evening.
The SOLO course is likewise aimed at all those who are currently taking a fresh look at their audition repertoire, because this can be about more than just a few pretty monologues, but about presenting your own artistic personality.
In any case, you need a roadmap for your steps. Working on oneself and with oneself is a journey into the unknown with the very practical questions: How do I structure my own artistic path? What do I have to keep in mind? How do I work with myself? What tasks should I set myself so that I can really break new ground?
You might have already a vague subject or a collection of artistic material, but how to work with it? We will touch the following subjects:
- The artistic work with a theme and its practical implementation.
- Steps to unfold your creative mind-flow.
- The process of creation through intertextuality: discovering new patterns of speech and thought that, in particular, inspire playfulness.
- Working with the artistic image – finding it, shaping it and stepping into it.
- The art of composition as the basis and compass of designing a mono-performance or a monologue
Theory and insights want to be put into practice artistically; therefore, in all topics, joint practical exercises will help to understand more and to make the often lonely process both enjoyable and productive.
The SOLO course consists of 3 joint meetings with 3 hours each; with lecture, discussion and practical exercises to try out immediately together. After each meeting you will have a one-hour personal coaching session the following week to deepen the topic and apply it to your own project; dates by arrangement. Further coaching hours can then additionally be booked as needed.
Each meeting has a clearly outlined theme, so you can choose to attend all or just one.
SOLO 1 – Above All
FINDING my theme – OPENING all dimensions of a theme – GIVING VOICE to my theme
SOLO 2 – The creative mind flow
Intertextuality – game and chaos – THINK BIG!
SOLO 3 – Composition
Building your fundament – your compass – your ARTISTIC LANGUAGE
Number of participants
Maximum number of participants 10
Teaching Language
English; individual coaching in English or German
Mode of operation
The whole course is divided in three parts, which can be attended separately.
3 meetings once a week | 3 hours each
Plus 3 individual sessions of 1 hour on each topic to apply to your own project. Time to be arranged in the end of the meeting.
Additional choaching hours upon request.
In case you miss a session, you have the opportunity to watch the recording in the following days.
SOLO 1 – Above all – 90 €
SOLO 2 – The creative mind flow – 90 €
SOLO 3 – Composition – 90 €
whole course 240 €
Course dates and registration
This course will be offered again soon, you can express your wish to be informed about future dates by filling out the contact form.
Your expression of interest helps us greatly in planning future courses.