Online Theater Akademie

Team of Teachers' Talks

Team of Teachers' Talks

Das Team of Teachers der Online Theatre Academy hat im November 2020 mit einer Gesprächsreihe begonnen zu Fragen der Schauspielkunst in Zeiten der Transformation der Bühnenpraxis. Ob on-stage oder on-line oder on-screen – Schauspieler*innen erfinden sich neu. Der Austausch von neuen Aspekten und Ideen zwischen den Lehrern bezieht nach kurzer Zeit das Online Publikum mit ein. Studierende und erfahrene Theaterschaffende aus aller Welt sind zum Gedankenaustausch eingeladen.

Below you can find the Zoom recordings of nine talks, which took place in 2020 and 2021 for viewing.

Revisiting the actor’s space

08 May 2021

ZOOM Recording of the Talk

Today, the spaces in which theatre is performed are more diverse than ever before. Actors stand in front of closed theaters and go out into the street, into nature or into virtual spaces. How strongly and in what ways does space influence the choice of acting means? How does the external space affect the actor’s internal space, and how does the special connection between the two spaces arise?

Time is on the actor’s side

10 April 2021

ZOOM Recording of the Talk

Like any life in the universe, actor’s life on stage unfolds through and within time. Numerous aspects of existence challenge and enrich the work of the actor, since he can play with time…  What theatre reveals to us about time, and most importantly – how to get hands on something so immaterial – these were the questions, challenging not only the minds of the team of teachers, but also the colleagues who participated actively in this talk .

The Director on the Tightrope

13 March 2021

ZOOM Recording of the Talk

Directing, by definition, has an ambivalent relationship to the exercise of power. Theatre professionals today cannot avoid redefining their attitude towards Regietheater and the possible role models of directing in contemporary production processes.
What are the qualities and methods of today’s directing that can be both artistically effective but also sensitive to the actor’s artistic individuality?

The Actor’s self-initiation

13 February 2021

ZOOM Recording of the Talk

When and how is the actor initiated into the art of theatre?
Which role plays the actor’s personal preparation?
The team of teachers discusses the idea behind the self-guided processes and share their practical approaches to stimulate and support actors who want to take their life in art in their hands.

Das Ensemble und der Traum der Freiheit

16 January 2021

ZOOM Recording of the Talk

Most actors dream of the perfect ensemble to the same extent as they dream of boundless individual freedom as an artist. Are these dreams mutually exclusive or, perhaps, mutually dependent? What do we mean by “ensemble spirit”? How does it develop? What is the lifetime of an ensemble? And is there, inside the ensemble, the place for artistic individuality?

Dialogue. The beloved child of theatre

19 December 2020

ZOOM Recording of the Talk

The notion of a dialogue is so deeply and organically interwoven with theatre history, structure and practice, that it seems there is no need to second-guess its place on stage. However, the philosophical and methodological principles of the dialogue are a challenge for any actor – and a great creative opportunity. A journey through a series of questions about the beloved and yet unknown beauty of dialogue …

Actors on Fire. Transformations through Ritual and Improvisation.

28 November 2020

ZOOM Recording of the Talk

The actor always stands between rules and freedom, control and surrender, repetition and change, ritual and improvisation. Are these contrasting notions irreconcilably opposed to each other, or are they mutually nurturing phenomena in acting practice? What is the principles of their dynamic relationship, which ignites the flames of actor’s creativity?

The church never liked us.
The Actor as Creator.

14 November 2020

ZOOM Recording of the Talk

It is a sacred act to create. Who is ready for it? How do we relate to the process of creation today?

The text is not mine – I am the text. Actors in a free space.

31 October 2020

ZOOM Recording of the Talk

Der Schauspieler und der Text. Der Text des Autors oder der eigene – wie entsteht er in mir und welches Verhältnis kann ich zu ihm haben? Partnerschaft oder Dominanz? Welche Kräfte kann er entfalten? Ist der Text ein Schlüssel zu unserem Unterbewußtsein, oder ist er sein Botschafter? Hat Hypertext etwas mit unserer Bühnenpraxis zu tun? Kann Text zu einem Begriff von Freiheit auf der Bühne werden?